Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Tutorial on how to make a Text Field, Radio Button, and Submit Button

For a user to be interactive with your website TEXT FIELDS, RADIO BUTTONS, AND SUBMIT BUTTONS are very useful to gather information.

An example of a Text Field is:

First Name:

The HTML code I used for this Text field was:

NOTE: You can change the size of the box by changing the width px amount. Also, you can make a table with form code, however, this will limit your options on columns and table spacing.

An example of a Radio Button:



The HTML code I used for these Radio Buttons:

An example of a Submit Button is:

The HTML code I used was:

Hopefully the information of text boxes, and radio and submit buttons will be useful in building a future website!

Friday, September 17, 2010


The finished product of a simple website written in HTML


Marissa is a Graphic Design Student at USU. This webpage is practice in her Graphic Interface class to better her skills at web design and programming. Her goals in taking this class is to become a better designer and to make skills available to future employers. The purpose of a Graphic Design degree is because of the great program Utah State has to offer with great professors. She loves the type of classes offered and has learned a lot from her experience in the graphic design program.

Marissa's Future Goals

  • Design a great portfolio
  • Graduate from USU
  • Be an Intern and gain experience
  • Work for a major designing company
  • Start a Freelance Business

Photo by Jeremy Wilkins | Checkout Jeremy's blogspot

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Site Critique

HTML was a site I thought was very well designed in HTML. He is a designer of interior spaces. His website has many pictures that help future clients see what his style is like and also it has his contact information. I think the simple nature of the website makes it successful and the stark differences of the white space with bright blocks of color makes it very contrasted. The typography is contemporary and fresh and very easy to read. I also liked how he had a photo gallery of his work and the pictures automatically scrolled, although it did have an option to manually view the pictures.

The navigation was very useful. It is a simple website with only a few links that give the information that the user really needs. There was always an option to go back to the previous page.

Both the information given in the text is useful for the viewer, but it is also a great visual experience looking at his web design and his photo galleries. I think the style of the website echo's the style of his interior design, they are both simple, clean, and contemporary.

The website draws the attention of interior designers, students of design, and future clients to that designer.

The website address is:


Verizon Wireless launched a new phone called the Droid. This phone line has its own website called I think this website has effectively pitched the sale of the cool new phone with the interactivity of the website and the look and features of the phone itself. As you move the mouse the whole screen will tip and tilt with the movements. If you move your mouse over the phone options will pop up with information. If you click in the information it will creatively take you to the next page with the phones moving within the scree. There are more movies and pop up menus inside the links.

Although there is a lot of movement the site is very user friendly and easy to navigate. It is made to look simple until the user moves the mouse over the desired phone, and then it will give more information that the user is looking for.

The black and red colors give it a powerful feel. It echo's the usefulness of the phone. I do not think the movement of the features is too much. I think the animation of the website makes it more interesting and it makes it have a professional feel.

The site's audience is probably anyone 20 years and older. People who desire to be connected with an organized life. This phone can assist with many high end business people but can be very useful to a normal simple person.

The website address is: